Schneemanns web page
Der Mangel an mathematischer Bildung
gibt sich durch nichts so zu erkennen, wie
durch maßlose Schärfe im Zahlenrechnen
Friederich Gauß
Welcome on my webpage :-)
I had the privilege in
the last 50 years to watch and participate in the development of important
technologies. In some cases the importance was immediately clear, in other cases
it took time to separate "hype" from the real stuff.
Having learned at
school how to work with logarithm and slide rulers, I had to switch to an
electro-mechanical Olivetti for all my statistics work. This was replaced in the
late 60ties with a Friden calculator, all single transistors, we even tried to
program it, using micro-switches and a stepping motor. In the early 70ties a
programmable (learn-mode) Wang came, with true core memory (I still have it).
And then, around 1975, the first pocket calculator, a HP 35. The kids today
can't appreciate, what we thought was a big step for manhood :-).
In parallel, the
"real" computers came into the picture. Having learned and used ALGOL
on an (old) Zuse Z23, I had to switch in 1969 to my companies mainframe, an IBM
360/40, using Fortran to do my work. Anybody remembers the famous SSP (scientific
subroutine package) collection of math and statistic functions ? Later came
PDP-8, PDP-11 and VAX’s, all from Digital Equipment, used for real-time
well, then came mySAP
and Bill's PC :-), things were more easy to do, but the requirements and the
environment added complexity. despite this, we always had fun to
accomplish what ever it was, we wanted to do.
Herbert Schneemann
to contact me, send an e-mail to
last updated: 11.01.11