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It all started with the attitude: don't throw away what once worked for you. With that, some slide rulers, an Addiator, a Contex, a Wang, a Professional 380 (from DEC), an early notebook and a couple of HP pocket calculators made it on the shelf ......

Around seven years ago, the desire to know more about the real old stuff came up and - thanks to ebay - more pieces could be added. I'm still missing the big ones, like a Thomas or an Archimedes, but hey, I'm working on it :-)







Addiator Standard

Manufacturer  Addiator-GmbH Rechenmaschinenwerke, Berlin-Steglitz

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year  ca. 1960
system Zahlenschieber, 2 species
capacity  9 x  x 9
input  stylus
operation  manual
dimensions 17 x 11 x 0.5 cm
weight 220 g
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Addiator Arithma

Manufacturer Addiator-GmbH Rechenmaschinenwerke, Berlin-Steglitz

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year ca. 1964
system Zahlenschieber, 2 species
capacity 6 x  x 6
input stylus
operation manual
dimensions 16 x 4 x 0.5 cm
weight 35 g
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Archimedes LL

Manufacturer  Reinhold Pöthig, Glashütte (D)

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year 1935 - 1940
s/n  700 ???
system  four species, stepped drum
capacity  8 (w cr) x 7 (w tc) x 14
input  full keyboard
operation  manual / electric
dimensions  44 x 35 x 25 cm
weight  18 kg
remarks  autom. division
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Badenia TEH 10

Manufacturer  M.Bäuerle GmbH, St.Georgen (Schwarzw.)

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year 1952
s/n  23.567
system  four species, stepped drum
capacity  7 (w/o cr) x 6 (w tc) x 10
input  full keyboard
operation  manual / electric
remarks  e-motor removed (defect), stop division
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Brunsviga A

Manufacturer  Grimme, Natalis & Co, AG, Braunschweig

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year 1904/06
s/n  8,176
system  four species, pin wheel
capacity  9 (w/o cr) x 10 (w/o tc) x 18
input  cursors, rotating
operation  manual
dimensions  44 x 16 x 12.5 cm
weight  9.5 kg
remarks  tenths carry in result register up to the 13 position
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Brunsviga B

Manufacturer  Grimme, Natalis & Co, AG, Braunschweig

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year  1893
s/n  928
system  four species, pin wheel
capacity  9 (w/o cr) x 8 (w/o tc) x 13 (no carry above 10th position)
input  cursors, rotating
operation  manual
dimensions  34 x 15 x 12 cm
weight  7 kg
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Brunsviga B ("Schuster machine")

Schuster was a reseller of Grimme, Natalis & Co

Manufacturer  Grimme, Natalis & Co, AG, Braunschweig

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year  1898
s/n  2.419
system  four species, pin wheel
capacity  9 (w/o cr) x 8 (w/o tc) x 13 (no carry above 10th position)
input  cursors, rotating
operation  manual
dimensions  34 x 15 x 12 cm
weight  7 kg
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Brunsviga B "1905"

wide body to accomodate a mechanism to prevent overthrow, in most cases later removed.

Manufacturer  Grimme, Natalis & Co, AG, Braunschweig

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year  1906
s/n  7.813
system  four species, pin wheel
capacity  9 (w/o cr) x 8 (w/o tc) x 13
input  cursors, rotating
operation  manual
dimensions  38 x 18 x 14 cm
weight  10 kg
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Brunsviga B "System Trinks"

Manufacturer  Grimme, Natalis & Co, AG, Braunschweig

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year  ca. 1924
s/n  59,826
system  four species, pin wheel
capacity  9 (w/o cr) x 8 (w/o tc) x 13
input  cursors, rotating
operation  manual
dimensions  37 x 18 x 14 cm
weight  9.5 kg
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Brunsviga J

Manufacturer  Grimme, Natalis & Co, AG, Braunschweig

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year 1912
s/n  20.798
system  four species, pin wheel
capacity  9 (w cr) x 8 (w/o tc) x 13
input  cursors, non-rotating
operation  manual
dimensions  43 x 23 x 17 cm
weight  16 kg
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Brunsviga M

Manufacturer  Grimme, Natalis & Co, AG, Braunschweig

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year 1924
s/n  65,384
system  four species, pin wheel
capacity  9 (w/o cr) x 8 (w/o tc) x 13
input  cursors, rotating
operation  manual
dimensions  22 x 12 x 9.5 cm
weight  3 kg
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Brunsviga M24

Manufacturer  Grimme, Natalis & Co, AG, Braunschweig

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year 1924
s/n  67.118
system  four species, pin wheel
capacity  9 (w cr) x 8 (w/o tc) x 13
input  cursors, rotating
operation  manual
dimensions  23 x 14 x 12 cm
weight  3.5 kg
remarks  M with added input control reg.
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Brunsviga MA

Manufacturer  Grimme, Natalis & Co, AG, Braunschweig

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year 1918
s/n  33 453 (external 45 453)
system  four species, pin wheel
capacity  9 (w/o cr) x 10 (w/o tc) x 18
input  cursors, rotating
operation  manual
dimensions  28 x 13 x 9.5 cm
weight  3.5 kg
remarks  tens carry in result register up to the 13th position
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Brunsviga MD

Manufacturer  Grimme, Natalis & Co, AG, Braunschweig

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year 1924
s/n  59,217
system  four species, pin wheel
capacity  12 (w/o cr) x 12 (w/o tc) x 20
input  cursors, rotating
operation  manual
dimensions  35 x 17 x 12 cm
weight  9 kg
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Brunsviga MDIIR Triplex

Manufacturer  Grimme, Natalis & Co, AG, Braunschweig

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year 1940
s/n 62.908
system  four species, pin wheel
capacity  (12 + 8 (w/o cr)) x (12 (w/o tc) + 12 (w tc)) x 20
input  cursors, rotating
operation  manual
dimensions  35 x 23 x 17 cm
weight  13 kg
remarks  clearance of RW can be split 12 + 8; tenth carriage of RW can be disengaged at 12th position
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Brunsviga MH

Manufacturer  Grimme, Natalis & Co, AG, Braunschweig

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year 1923
s/n  56,997
system  four species, pin wheel
capacity  9 (w/o cr) x (8 (w/o tc) + 8 (w tc)) x 13
input  cursors, rotating
operation  manual
dimensions  25 x 17 x 13 cm
weight  7 kg
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Brunsviga MJ

Manufacturer  Grimme, Natalis & Co, AG, Braunschweig

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year 1916
s/n  31 303
system  four species, pin wheel
capacity  9 (w cr) x 8 (w/o tc)  x 15
input  cursors, non-rotating
operation  manual
dimensions  34 x 16 x 13 cm
weight  7 kg
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Brunsviga MJR

Manufacturer  Grimme, Natalis & Co, AG, Braunschweig

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year 1922
s/n  48 043
system  four species, pin wheel
capacity  9 (w cr) x 10 (w tc)  x 15
input  cursors, non-rotating
operation  manual
dimensions  35 x 19 x 15 cm
weight  10 kg
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Brunsviga MR

Manufacturer  Grimme, Natalis & Co, AG, Braunschweig

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year 1923
s/n  44,862
system  four species, pin wheel
capacity  9 (w/o cr) x 8 (w tc) x 13
input  cursors, rotating
operation  manual
dimensions  30 x 14 x 9.5 cm
weight  5.5 kg
remarks  split carriage
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Brunsviga MII

Manufacturer  Brunsviga Maschinenwerke Grimme, Natalis & Co  AG, Braunschweig

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year  1927
s/n  89.034
system  four species, pin wheel
capacity  9 (w/o cr) x 8 (w/o tc) x 13
input  cursors, rotating
operation  manual
dimensions  25 x 13 x 10 cm
weight  4 kg
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Brunsviga MIII

Manufacturer  Brunsviga Maschinenwerke Grimme, Natalis & Co  AG, Braunschweig

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year  1927
s/n  113.902
system  four species, pin wheel
capacity  9 (w cr) x 8 (w tc) x 13
input  cursors, rotating
operation  manual
dimensions  28 x 18 x 15 cm
weight  7 kg
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this machine was - at a unknown time - repaired / re-constructed.

the counter register is missing, the opening for the display was closed and painted.

the pin for the tenth carriage of the result register at position 10 was fixed so that the left part of the result register acts as the counter register.


Manufacturer  Brunsviga Maschinenwerke Grimme, Natalis & Co  AG, Braunschweig

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year  1927
s/n  113.448
system  four species, pin wheel
capacity  9 (w cr) x 8 (w tc) x 13
input  cursors, rotating
operation  manual
dimensions  28 x 18 x 15 cm
weight  7 kg
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Brunsviga Nova I

Manufacturer Grimme, Natalis & Co  AG, Braunschweig

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year  1926
s/n  6T2O419 (101,419)
system  four species, pin wheel
capacity  7 (w cr) x 6 (w tc) x 10
input  cursors, rotating
operation  manual
dimensions  28 x 27 x 18 cm
weight  9 kg
remarks  back transfer
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Brunsviga Nova II

Manufacturer  Brunsviga Maschinenwerke Grimme, Natalis & Co  AG, Braunschweig

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year  1929
s/n  124,109
system  four species, pin wheel
capacity  10 (w cr) x 10 (w tc) x 15
input  cursors, rotating
operation  manual
dimensions  36 x 27 x 18 cm
weight  12 kg
remarks  back transfer
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Brunsviga Nova IVa

Manufacturer  Brunsviga Maschinenwerke Grimme, Natalis & Co  AG, Braunschweig

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year  ca. 1928
s/n  108,322
system  four species, pin wheel
capacity  10 (w cr) x 10 (w tc) x 18
input  cursors, rotating
operation  manual
dimensions  36 x 27 x 18 cm
weight  12 kg
remarks  back transfer, clearance of result register can be split 9 & 9
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Brunsviga 10

Manufacturer  Brunsviga Maschinenwerke Grimme, Natalis & Co  AG, Braunschweig

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year  1941
s/n  166,662
system  four species, divided stepped drum
capacity  6 (w cr) x 5 (w tc) x 10
input  cursors, non-rotating
operation  manual
dimensions  24 x 18 x 9 cm
weight  4 kg
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Brunsviga 10

Manufacturer  Brunsviga Maschinenwerke Grimme, Natalis & Co  AG, Braunschweig

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year  1941
s/n  173,744
system  four species, divided stepped drum
capacity  6 (w cr) x 5 (w tc) x 10
input  cursors, non-rotating
operation  manual
dimensions  24 x 18 x 9 cm
weight  4 kg
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Brunsviga Nova 10

Manufacturer  Brunsviga Maschinenwerke AG, Braunschweig

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year  1952
s/n  259 625
system  four species, divided stepped drum
capacity  6 (w cr) x 5 (w tc) x 10
input  cursors, non-rotating
operation  manual
dimensions  26 x 23 x 10 cm
weight  4 kg
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Brunsviga 11E

Manufacturer  Brunsviga Maschinenwerke AG, Braunschweig

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year  1955
s/n  11-23,924
system  four species, divided stepped drum
capacity  7 (w cr) x 6 (w tc) x 11
input  cursors, non-rotating
operation  electric
dimensions  21 x 23 x 11 cm
weight  5 kg
remarks  stop division
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Brunsviga 11S

Manufacturer  Brunsviga Maschinenwerke AG, Braunschweig

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year  1955
s/n  10-03.160
system  four species, divided stepped drum
capacity  7 (w/o cr) x 6 (w tc) x 11
input  full keyboard
operation  electric, autom. division
dimensions  24 x 35 x 15 cm
weight  8 kg
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Brunsviga Nova 13

Manufacturer  Brunsviga Maschinenwerke Grimme, Natalis & Co  AG, Braunschweig

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year  ca. 1928
s/n  114,807
system  four species, pin wheel
capacity  10 (w cr) x 8 (w/o tc) x 13
input  cursors, rotating
operation  manual
dimensions  35 x 16 x 13 cm
weight  6 kg
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Brunsviga 13

Manufacturer  Brunsviga Maschinenwerke Grimme, Natalis & Co  AG, Braunschweig

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year  ca. 1943
s/n  201,873
system  four species, pin wheel
capacity  10 (w cr) x 8 (w/o tc) x 13
input  cursors, rotating
operation  manual
dimensions  35 x 16 x 13 cm
weight  6 kg
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Brunsviga 13B

Manufacturer  Brunsviga Maschinenwerke AG, Braunschweig

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year  1956
s/n  280,346
system  four species, pin wheel
capacity  10 (w/o cr) x 8 (w tc) x 13
input  cursors, rotating
operation  manual
dimensions  29 x 20 x 14.5 cm
weight  6 kg
remarks  low cost version of 13RK
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Brunsviga 13BR

Manufacturer  Olympia Werke AG, Wilhelmshaven

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year  after 1960
s/n  34-98,692
system  four species, pin wheel
capacity  10 (w/o cr) x 8 (w tc) x 13
input  cursors, rotating
operation  manual
dimensions  29 x 20 x 14 cm
weight  6 kg
remarks  back transfer, low cost version of 13RK
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Brunsviga 13P

Manufacturer  Brunsviga Maschinenwerke 

Grimme, Natalis & Co. AG, Braunschweig

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year  1940
s/n  165,646
system  four species, pin wheel
capacity  10 (w/o cr) x 8 (w/o tc) x 13
input  cursors, rotating
operation  manual
dimensions  30 x 15 x 13 cm
weight  6 kg
remarks  simplified model, P = Parva = little
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Brunsviga 13R

Manufacturer  Brunsviga Maschinenwerke 

Grimme, Natalis & Co. AG, Braunschweig

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year  1950
s/n  236,075
system  four species, pin wheel
capacity  10 (w cr) x 8 (w tc) x 13
input  cursors, rotating
operation  manual
dimensions  29 x 24 x 16.5 cm
weight  6 kg
remarks  back transfer
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Brunsviga 13RK

Manufacturer  Brunsviga Maschinenwerke AG, Braunschweig

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year  ca. 1960
s/n  13-31.820
system  four species, pin wheel
capacity  10 (w cr) x 8 (w tc) x 13
input  cursors, rotating
operation  manual
dimensions  29 x 23 x 16.5 cm
weight  8 kg
remarks  back transfer
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Brunsviga 13RM

Manufacturer  Olympia Werke AG, Wilhelmshaven

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year  ca. 1965
s/n  12.577
system  four species, pin wheel
capacity  10 (w cr) x 8 (w tc) x 13
input  cursors, rotating
operation  manual
dimensions  30 x 20 x 12 cm
weight  6.5 kg
remarks  back transfer, made in Spain
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Brunsviga Nova 13Z

Manufacturer  Brunsviga Maschinenwerke 

Grimme, Natalis & Co. AG, Braunschweig

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year  1930
s/n  126,304
system  four species, pin wheel
capacity  10 (w cr) x 8 (w tc) x 13
input  cursors, rotating
operation  manual
dimensions  29 x 24 x 16 cm
weight  7 kg
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Brunsviga Nova 13ZG

Manufacturer  Brunsviga Maschinenwerke 

Grimme, Natalis & Co. AG, Braunschweig

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year  1935
s/n  147,845
system  four species, pin wheel
capacity  10 (w cr) x 8 (w tc) x 13
input  cursors, rotating
operation  manual
dimensions  30 x 23 x 16 cm
weight  8 kg
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Brunsviga 13ZK

Manufacturer  Brunsviga Maschinenwerke 

Grimme, Natalis & Co. AG, Braunschweig

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year  1944
s/n  209,111
system  four species, pin wheel
capacity  10 (w cr) x 8 (w tc) x 13
input  cursors, rotating
operation  manual
dimensions  29 x 23 x 16.5 cm
weight  6 kg
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Brunsviga D13R-1

Manufacturer  Olympia Werk, Wilhelmshaven

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year  12/1962
s/n  34-98.131
system  four species, pin wheel
capacity  10 (w cr) x 8 (w tc) x 13 + 10 (w cr) x  x 13
input  cursors, rotating
operation  manual
dimensions  48 x 22 x 18 cm
weight  14 kg
remarks  back transfer; the two machines can run in parallel or in opposite directions; the left machine can be cut off
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Brunsviga D13Z-2

Manufacturer  Brunsviga Maschinenwerke 

Grimme, Natalis & Co. AG, Braunschweig

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year  1942
s/n  188,055
system  four species, pin wheel
capacity  2 x (10 (w cr) x 8 (w tc) x 13)
input  cursors, rotating
operation  manual
dimensions  46 x 23 x 18 cm
weight  17 kg
remarks  double machine two 13Z, reversing gear and provisions for input templates
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Brunsviga 15

Manufacturer  Brunsviga Maschinenwerke 

Grimme, Natalis & Co. AG, Braunschweig

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year  1941
s/n  172 186
system  four species, pin wheel
capacity  10 (w cr) x 10 (w tc) x 15
input  cursors, rotating
operation  manual
dimensions  41 x 23 x 17 cm
weight  11 kg
remarks  back transfer
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Brunsviga 16 E

Manufacturer  Brunsviga Maschinenwerke , Braunschweig

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year  1958
s/n  16-03.243
system  four species, pin wheel
capacity  10 (w cr) x 8 (w tc) x 16
input  10 keyboard
operation  electric, solonoids as active elements
dimensions  35 x 32 x 17 cm
weight  17 kg
remarks  back transfer, autom.division
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Brunsviga 18RK

Manufacturer  Brunsviga Maschinenwerke , Braunschweig

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year  1958
s/n  13-65,772
system  four species, pin wheel
capacity  10 (w cr) x 8 (w tc) x 18
input  cursors, rotating
operation  manual
dimensions  29 x 23 x 16 cm
weight  8 kg
remarks  back transfer
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Brunsviga 20

Manufacturer  Brunsviga Maschinenwerke 

Grimme, Natalis & Co. AG, Braunschweig

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year  ca. 1948
s/n  226,372
system  four species, pin wheel
capacity  12 (w cr) x 11 (w tc) x 20
input  cursors, rotating
operation  manual
dimensions  41 x 23 x 18 cm
weight  12 kg
remarks  back-transfer, result register can be split 10 x 10 for storage
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Brunsviga 20E

Manufacturer  Brunsviga Maschinenwerke AG, Braunschweig

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year  ca. 1955
s/n  12-27 317
system  four species, pin wheel
capacity  12 (w cr) x 11 (w tc) x 20
input  cursors, rotating
operation  manual
dimensions  41 x 23 x 18 cm
weight  12 kg
remarks  back-transfer, result register can be split 10 x 10 for storage
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Brunsviga 90TA

Manufacturer  Brunsviga Maschinenwerke , Braunschweig

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year  1956
s/n  22-02 203
system  two species, tooth bar
capacity  8 (w cr) x  x 9
input  full keyboard
operation  manual
dimensions  24 x 27 x 14 cm
weight  4 kg
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Brunsviga ASE

Manufacturer  Brunsviga Maschinenwerke , Braunschweig

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year  1950
s/n  5.267
system  two species, tooth bar
capacity  9  x  x 10
input  full keyboard
operation  manual / electric
dimensions  22 x 32 x 21 cm
weight  10 kg
price  DM 1.140,-
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Brunsviga 1010

Manufacturer  Brunsviga Maschinenwerke , Braunschweig

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year  1953
s/n  33.817
system  two species, tooth bar
capacity  9 (w/o cr) x  x 10
input  ten keyboard
operation  manual
dimensions  31 x 41 x 23 cm
weight  9 kg
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Brunsviga G 89

Manufacturer  Brunsviga Maschinenwerke , Braunschweig

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year  1956
s/n  31-42.137
system  two species, tooth bar
capacity  8 (w/o cr) x  x 9
input  ten keyboard
operation  manual
dimensions  30 x 40 x 23 cm
weight  9 kg
price  DM 875.- (1958)
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Consul - "The Educated Monkey"

toy; inventor: W.H.Robertson

description in "Popular Mechanics", Juni 1916

how does it work ? (in German)

Manufacturer The Educational Novity,  USA

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year  from 1916
operation  manual
dimensions  14 x 15 cm
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Contex A

Manufacturer  Brdr. Carlsen. Gentofte, Denmark

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year  ca. 1950
s/n  180,380
system  one species, rocker arm
capacity  8 (w/o cr) x  x 9
input  half keyboard
operation  manual
dimensions  22 x 21 x 7 cm
weight  1 kg
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Contex 10

Manufacturer  Brdr. Carlsen. Gentofte, Denmark

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year  ca. 1958
s/n  447,531
system  four species, adapting segment
capacity  10 (w/o cr) x 1 (w/o tc) x 11
input  10 keyboard
operation  manual
dimensions  20 x 26 x 11 cm
weight  3 kg
remarks  stop division
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Contex 30

Manufacturer  Brdr. Carlsen A/S, Birkerod, Denmark

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year  ca. 1967
s/n  473,148,242
system  four species, adapting segment
capacity  10 (w/o cr) x 1 (w/o tc) x 11
input  10 keyboard
operation  electric
dimensions  20 x 26 x 11 cm
weight  3 kg
remarks  automatic multiplication, stop division
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Continental Klein-Addi 8

Manufacturer  Wanderer Werke, Siegmar-Schönau

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year  ca. 1940
s/n  P 68,223
system  one species
capacity  7 (w/o cr) x  x 8
input  full keyboard
operation  manual
dimensions  24 x 35 x 24 cm
weight  12 kg
remarks  printing
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Continental Klein-Addi 9

Manufacturer  Wanderer Werke, Schönau bei Chemnitz

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year  ca. 1930
s/n  PA 26,160
system  one species
capacity  8 (w/o cr) x  x 9
input  full keyboard
operation  manual
dimensions  24 x 35 x 24 cm
weight  12 kg
remarks  printing
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Curta type I

Manufacturer  Contina, Mauren (FL)

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year  1967
s/n  66,337
system  four species, stepped drum
capacity  8 (w cr) x 6 (w tc) x 11
input  sliders
operation  manual
dimensions  5.3 cm diameter, 8.5 cm high
weight  230 g
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Curta type II

Manufacturer  Contina, Mauren (FL)

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year  1966
s/n  545,411
system  four species, stepped drum
capacity  11 (w cr) x 8 (w tc) x 15
input  sliders
operation  manual
dimensions  6.5 cm diameter, 9 cm high
weight  360 g
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Diehl EvM 

Manufacturer  Heinrich Diehl GmbH. Nürnberg

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year  1956
s/n  21,895
system  four species, div. stepped drum
capacity  8 (w/o cr) x 7 (w tc) x 15
input  full keyboard
operation  electric
dimensions  47 x 36 x 19 cm
weight  16 kg
remarks  buttons for shortened multiplication, automatic division
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last updated: 10-Dez-12